The last chandelier I created for 2022. My clients were very patient with me on this piece. I had knee surgery right before I started it and can only stand for a hour at time.
The chandelier features 10 lights all made with real antler light socket covers. It’s four feet tall by almost four feet around on the bottom. I used real elk and mule deer antlers that were naturally shed. No harm comes to the animals.
I took extra time to position the antlers to give it good balance and symmetry. The wires are all inside the antlers and each antler in screwed in. I always make sure I have multiple contact points to ensure strength throughout the entire chandelier.
Chandelier creation:
Delivery day was concerning since we just received snow. The scale of the road was steep in sections so I enlisted my wife to take the cap off of my 4 x 4 pickup truck. We shrunk wrap it to no end since we were expecting snow on our travels to Stockbridge, VT.
I can’t thanks Mike and Marilva enough for their patience and the great photos they sent me.
Install Photos:
Here are the product(s) that I created and the owner installed in this location.